Related Data Resources for TAU

The following table contains links to resources and identifiers which have additional information about this chemical component. The first column of the table contains resource names. Each resource name is linked to the top-level of the resource website. The identifier used by the resource is given in the second column. Clicking on a highlighted identifier will launch a query at the related resource and display the results in a new window.

 Related Resource Identifier
PubChem 1123
DrugBank DB01956
KEGG C00245
ChEBI 15891
CAS Registry Number 107-35-7
NCI Chemical Lookup Service Stereo SMILES query
NCI Chemical Lookup Service SMILES query
eMolecules Stereo SMILES query
eMolecules SMILES query
PubChem Stereo SMILES query
PubChem SMILES query
ChemSpider Stereo SMILES query
ChemSpider SMILES query